Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rehabs and Therapies at Maple Crest

        At Maple Crest, there are different types of rehab exercises and therapies which are available for the residents at the facility. Rehab and therapy are a great tool which can help with the quality of life for an individual. Rehab and therapy can improve people’s functioning and well-being (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2011). With individuals being willing and taking the time to be a part of rehab and therapy they are improving their quality of life by becoming stronger and healthier, as well as improving their health, longevity, and overall functioning.
Some of the rehab exercises which are available at Maple Crest are restorative exercises, upper extremity exercises, lower extremity exercises, and restorative programs which can help with swallowing, speech therapy, and voice exercises. Restorative exercises are used to help with strengthening and flexibility of the residents through physical and occupational therapy. Upper extremity exercises include using therabands with different resistance strengths, pulleys, arm pedlars with weights, hand grippers, and playing catch with a ball. Lower extremity exercises include foot pedlars with ankle weights, seated and standing exercises, and ball squeezes.
Therapies that are available at Maple Crest are doll, horticulture, occupational, physical, speech therapies and more. Therapies can help with improving the quality of life for individuals by giving them a sense of accomplishment and increase their well-being. Some of the therapies which are available at Maple Crest help with giving the residents something to do within their day, and can be counted as activities to get them involved socially as well as cognitively. Some of the routines that are available for residents are physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.
Doll therapy is used mostly with residents who have Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Doll therapy has been observed to give a calming effect to patients, as well as let them nurture and care for the doll throughout the day (Doll Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease (Baby Doll Therapy), 2006). Horticulture therapy uses garden environments that residents can utilize within their environments. It is known for improving memory and cognition skills, as well as language skills and socialization. Horticulture therapy can also help with balance and coordination (Horticultural Therapy, 2014).
Physical therapy can restore and increase strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Physical therapy can reduce pain in which and individual feels as well (Physical Therapy for the Older Adult, 2014).  Occupational therapy can help with overcoming physical challenges as well as give them the opportunity to go back home. Occupational therapy can help someone who has fallen and broken a bone recover and learn the daily skills which are necessary to live out on their own again (Wilding, 2012). Speech therapy helps with giving older adults the opportunity to speak again after something such as a stroke. Speech therapy can help also help with giving older adults the opportunity of practicing their swallowing, as well as speech, which gives them the opportunity to refrain from restricted diets. Speech therapy allows for older adults to learn how to communicate their emotions (Judy, 2011).
Rehab and therapy programs are very important for older adults to take part in. These exercises can help older adults complete activities of daily living and increase independent living and self-reliance.
Cavanaugh, J. C. & Blanchard-Fields, F. (2010). Adult development and aging. Belmont, CA:
Doll Therapy for Alzheimer's Disease (Baby Doll Therapy). (2006, April 25). Retrieved from Best Alzheimer's Products:
Horticultural Therapy. (2014). Retrieved from American Horticulture Theapy Association:
Judy, D. (2011, April 19). Speech Therapists Can Help the Elderly. Retrieved from Tender Hearts Senior Care:
Physical Therapy for the Older Adult. (2014). Retrieved from Performace Physical Therapy:
Wilding, M. (2012, September 6). How Occupational Therapists Help Seniors Get Things Done. Retrieved from HealthWorks Collective:

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